Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings movie series is the epic adventure of middle-earth characters as they try to defeat the evil Sauron and his accomplice Saruman in their attempt to rule the world. Many powerful rings were made to maintain peace in the world; but Sauron made a last ring that ruled all the others. Follow Frodo on his adventure to try to destroy this ring, making his way through Mordor, the land ruled by evil. The powerful ring captures the soul of anyone who puts it on, taking hold of them and making them suffer through its power. This thrilling sequel is full of breath taking scenery and heart stopping cliff hangers that will leave you wanting more. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Truth or False?

I've always been a big fan of diving, so when the most primitive thought of doing it in the sky or deep in the ocean entered my mind I was certain that I would one day have the privilege to check those off of my bucket list.
The sweet citrus smell filling up my lungs, and the soft breeze slowly shifting my hair. I was walking down the beach, ready to finally go scuba diving. I've never done it before, I thought, only the training pool lessons, but nothing like this. Slowly but surely a weird feeling started creeping over me and my once bright, joyful smile had turned into an awkward looking, almost flat 'U'. My skin was suddenly moist and sticky and my stomach was getting dizzy. I stopped, looking for someone to hold on to but everyone was far ahead of me. I ran as fast as I could, not caring about my throbbing head and my blurry vision. I reached the dock, where everyone was getting ready. Why isn’t everyone afraid, why aren’t they nervous? “Okay," I told myself, "get yourself ready and don't be a chicken." I sighed, releasing every oxygen cell and every ounce of fear in my body; this was going to be a day to remember.

Monday, February 6, 2012


they are loyal and true,
to no one but you.
They make you laugh,
they make you cry,
but they always have a reason why.

they're always there,
and they always care.
They are here in the fun,
and they're here when there's non.
They are so silly, but yet so understanding
filling your heart with joy every day for as long as they're can.

they laugh when you fall,
and your house they do call.
You tell them your secrets deep,
that you hope that to themselves they keep.
They're the shoulder you cry on,
and the ones you rely on.
You're always together, and never apart.
You're best friends forever, and sisters at heart.


I created this sculpture in my 8th grade art class. We were trying to replicate the 'baroque' style that has many little details.

Art is my passion. I love it, everything that has to do with. I love drawing, painting, creating and making. When I start a project its like I'm transported to a whole new world, I leave every worry and struggle behind me and I get focused on what I'm doing, ready to accomplish something new.

My world would not be the same without art. Art is an inspiration for me and its part of my life today.

Jane by Design

ABC family's new series "Jane by Design" is the thrilling story of Jane Quimbly's life and the battle that she faces when she's mistaken for and adult and given the exclusive job of being a top designers personal executive assistance. This is the ticket she had been waiting for, for her entire life, but know that its here she faces the challenge of maintaining her social life in high school and not ruining her secret identity at work. 
When Jane's world starts suddenly turning she is faced with some difficult decisions. 
Her best friend Billy has always been the one thats helped her but when he decides to date Jane's arch-enemy she is heart-broken and is left to deal with her struggles on her own. 
Follow Jane and her friends through her stressful race as she tries to gain enough time and courage to be in the high fashion industry while maintaining her once-perfect life.


Love. Peace. Hope. A set of simple, yet powerful words that can bring the world together in a blink of an eye and take away every person's troubles and insecurities in an instant. In the dictionary they are often described as feelings or desires for other people, things or actions, but to me, they are far more than that, they are the words that have made me the person I am today. 
Love everyone, no matter what. If everyone were to love and forgive, the world would become a better place; no one would lie, steal or do anything bad to hurt other people.
Peace. If everyone were to love, peace would rule the world. Peace would dominate, and the world would not know a thing like hate or war.
Hope, hope is the thing that motivates people to keep going when their is nothing good or pleasant in their lives. If people have at least a small amount of hope left, then it means that their is still a chance for the world to become a better place for everyone.


Model United Nations is a great way to not only debate and come up with possible solutions for world problems, but it also helps you meet new people and see the different problems that our planet faces today. I think it is very important for people to be more aware of what's happening in our world and be able to know solutions to stop them. 

In my school, ASFM (American School Foundation of Monterrey), IMMUNS (International Monterrey Model United Nations) gives students this great opportunity. I have participated in this simulation as a delegate since 7th grade and I really enjoy it, but I'm looking forward to being in the MUN class next year so I can be a chair.

My Sailing Home

"Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten." 

Please play before starting. 

This poem that I wrote in fifth grade is only a small piece where I begin to explain the importance that family has in my life.


Family has always been a big part in my life. I love my family, they are the everlasting support that surrounds me in both good and bad times. It doesn't matter what we're going through the love that connects us is far greater than any problem that could ever come our way. We may sometimes disagree and fight, but we always say "I'm sorry" and we become joyful once again. My family has greatly made me the person who I am today and I am grateful for their lives and each and every moment that we have spent together.

Thunder ⚡

As the sun rose above the horizon and the moon gradually faded away, Thunder waited patiently, ready to finally make its way home.
As soon as my sister and I saw it we were amazed, it’s dark-colored coat, as smooth as silk, and its gentle eyes reflecting the light as if it were glass. It was now, we were here, and in a few more minutes it would be ours.
Our eyes met for an instant and I could feel it was anxious; not wanting to wait another second I jumped rapidly, “that one,” I said, as I pointed to the corner of the box.
“It’s perfect,” my sister said, and it was. It was the most beautiful ball of fur I had ever seen, its long, thin hears and small whiskers suited his small, round figure perfectly, making it easy for it to jump from place to place.
It was given to us in a small, blue box. It was timid at first but once we got home and placed it in our garden it transformed. Our bunny roamed freely, taking over garden spots like enormous territories from the Savannah, and as its fear gradually faded away we were happy that Thunder had finally come home.